- AHB | ~root@clover:
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- the-journey-begins.md | ~root@clover:
the-journey-begins.md | ~root@clover:
A Hacker's Blog | ~root@clover:
Hello everyone and welcome to ~root@clover:
where I plan to journal about my bug bounty and cyber security journey in hopes to provide resourceful content for others who are interested in the topic or those who come from a similar field of interests.
My online alias is @actuallyclover or some of you may simply know me as Clover or if you know me personally, Brent. I am a 24 year old autodidact who loves a challenge and opportunities within the field of technology and hacking. My Documented Experience consists of a 4 year Bachelors Degree from Dakota State University in Cyber Operations and 2 years as a Remote System Administrator with two companies in California.
My Personal Experience consist of over 5 years of experience in computer-related activities such as hacking web applications, anti-cheat bypasses and system administrator related services via entrepreneurship. Additionally, I have a strong background in development and reverse engineering of malware/applications.
My Current Status:
At this moment in my life I reside in Sioux Falls, SD while working full-time as a Remote System Administrator. I live with my girlfriend and our three cats Mato, Mac and our most recent addition Milo 😁. These are our children and they each have their own personality 😂 🥰.

I am currently employed full time as a Remote System Administrator for two companies under the same owner in California, both companies are for web hosting and one is for a HIPAA Compliant option of hosting along with other HIPAA compliant services. I got this job in February 2023 almost 3 months after graduating from DSU in December 2022. I had zero helpdesk/system admin experience when I applied for this job but the sole purpose of having this job in my eyes was for Resume experience as well as to get a bit of System Administrator experience/perspective to help me with my hacker mindset.
The reason behind this is because I’ve always dreamed of either working for myself as a hacker or working for a company that may be corporate or not… I just like to exclude myself from the corporate side of things. Though I’m not afraid of a corporate setting.. I’m more so just a chill/casual dude who would prefer not to hide behind fake/professional smiles haha and rather be able to have a straight forward conversation with another human as a human. (not saying all corporations are this way but.. well.. you know).
I do Bug Bounty Hunting on HackerOne part-time and out of passion more so. I’d love to get to the point of being able to be so good at Bug Bounty Hunting that I could do it Full Time but as of right now I am simply an intermediate hacker with much more to learn! ~ Hence the start of this blog (not really the start of the journey).
The Journey Ahead:
As of September 9th 2024, these are my current HackerOne stats and the reputation that I hold “428”. As you can see, I have had some Bug Bounty success already prior to starting this blog. I plan on doing some writeups of the bugs that I have found already and also the bugs I find in the future!
Blog goals:
I plan to post a blog post once a week with that post either being a bug writeup or a rundown of the week in-general with my hunting experience/things I’ve learned in that week etc. I have a few purposes behind this blog.. I’d like to keep myself to a standard of having to hack so that I have content to write a blog post about each week. Also, having a blog post to write each week is something productive in my life to do! I like staying productive and I feel like this is a great exercise for that, you should try it!
I’d also like to provide a free platform for information that other beginners and hackers can turn to for things to learn about or even be entertained by. I don’t know about you but I do find it interesting learning about how other hackers go about their lives/hacking. Mainly for the sole reason of curiosity of similarities and a mind that screams “am I doing it right?” 24/7 😅
Personal goals for myself before the end of this year 2024:
Hit 500 all time reputation on HackerOne! (I want some H1 swag) 🖥️
Hit $10,000 all time Bug Bounty Earnings, current: $8,200
Re-learn and conquer the basics along with javascript and most importantly understanding postMessages() fully. (there’s a lot of iframe magic out there and I want to be a magician).
Stay consistent with finding bugs and self discipline inside and outside of hacking.
Continue to network with other great hackers and keep learning!!